Friday, September 2, 2011

DT Manorhouse Creations - I have been Blessed!!

How does one explain their excitement of being selected for DT @ Manor House Creations, with a title of Altered Projects Educator it would = all of these: Goosebumps, tingles, tears of joy, butterflies, ideas going round and round in my head, not a lot of sleep (how can one sleep with all these ideas),  & the list goes on & on........................................

 I sit here trying to type this post and all i can think of is
"Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!"
 "Oi! Oi! Oi!"
 "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!"
 "Oi! Oi! Oi!"
"Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!"
 "Oi! Oi! Oi!"

Manor House Creations is an Australian Flower manufacturer,
along with being the Australian distributor of The ScrapCake

The products are just gorgeous and of a high quality and I look forward to this creative journey with Manor House Creations along with the other girls on the DT. I'm Hoping and praying my MOJO stays by my side so  I can inspire you one way or another along the way.
Badges, badges & more badges...........................
 My mum will love this next bit - as she has always said she did bring us up to be Ladies - well guess what MUM I even have the badge to prove it now lol
Take care from one very excited NT (Northern Territory) chick!!


  1. Go rae...the world is finally get to see your TALENT!!!

  2. Congrtas Rae. So glad you're on the team now I get to see your fabulous talent.
    I'm also an ex-territorian. My kids were born in Darwin. We used to live in Jingili.

  3. LOL Rae - well it so fabulous to ahve you on the team and not only do you SO deserve this spot on the team, I think you are 100% lady too! BTW, your excitement is contagious!
