Friday night snap shots above & below

Saturday Night & today's paper front page story read 'We're on cyclone watch'.....@ about 6.30pm the first signs of rain started followed by lots of thunder & lighting. I tried to capture the lightning to show you. For 1. i'm not the best photographer 2. i hate reading the book to figure it out, like to be shown (anyone out there want to come teach me lol) so hence not getting very far with better pic's lol 3. was getting eaten alive by mossies the sign of march flies , so between slapping my legs, arms, face ouch and every other part of body I got these pic's to share. Will keep you up-to-date with a cyclone watch & if I'm not on here for 3 to 4 days you know we have been hit, lost power & probably could do with a hand to clean up..............lol enjoy & hopefully I'll get the camera thing sorted & have better pics real soon.......Neil has cyclone kit ready Nan so don't worry, the fridge is stock with Carlton Dry.....lol
My first 50 pics looked like this...........

They got slightly better.............

Then I went for the zoom so bit blurry...................

Still blurry will have to take the book to bed & study up

Till next time take care, stay safe, happy scrapp'n god bless......Rae xx
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